SensNews July 2020

Sensor100 July 2020 4 From the Editor... There are digital healthcare evangelists who argue that the Covid-19 pan- demic has been a blessing in disguise because it forced the widespread adoption of digital healthcare. Now that technology has been adopted, it is suggested, even when Covid-19 is a distant memory, we will still be obtaining medical advice remotely. Sensor100 is unconvinced; while some digital healthcare will survive, there is evidence of a need to revert to face to face consultations by both doctors and their patients. We do recognise that some procedural changes have been necessary. Ev- eryone has become adept at Zoom conferences (and similar platforms). Operating from home we have been forced to buy a webcam, not just for business meetings but to allow us a weekly remote visit with our son. He misses out on access to his mothers cooking, but seems to prefer the ability to terminate the meeting as and when he has had enough. We will wait to see with interest if this remote parent visiting continues beyond the shutdown, or if we revert to Sunday dinners together. Stay well, Kind regards Michael Brand Sensor People