Food Chain Sensing Technology

Sensors increase productivity, detect pathogens and more.

Modern sensor technology is having an increasingly positive impact on all stages of food production from agriculture through animal welfare and veterinary medicine to food quality control and pathogen detection. Technologies employed range from hyperspectral imaging using drones to inground sensors for water and soil nutrients to Point-of-Care sensors for identifying pathogens in animals and food. Data analysis is utilised for imaging, IoT networks, with AI fulfilling an essential role. Controlling the impact of agriculture and food production on the environment is requirement where sensors play an essential role.

Sensor Applications

  Crop monitoring Food pathogens
  Animal welfare Water contaminants
  Veterinary medicine Environment monitoring
  Blockchain in food production AI in food chain sensing


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Confirmed Speakers

Dr. Firat Guder Dr. Rui Martins Dr M. Gabriela Almeida Dr. Magdalena Raykova  
Imperial College INESC TEC Nitrogen Sensing Solutions Rapisense  
Dr. Hebat-Allah S. Tohamy Maganga Paulo Dr Samantha Richardson Mkliwa Koumbia  
National Research Centre, Egypt Rubis Agri Ltd University of Hull University of Tokyo  
Prof Fabiana Arduini Steve Whalley Prof Silvana Andreescu Simerdeep Kaur  
University of Rome Strategic World Ventures Clarkson University Purdue University  
Prof Mohammed Zourob Prof Katrina Campbell Costanza La Parola Yulin Wang  
Alfaisal University Queen's University Belfast Smart Farm Colab IdTechEx  


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