
We invite sponsorship support of The Cancer Diagnostic Technology Summit from commercial and not-for-profit organisations to:

Recognise and support the work of the several academic and commercial centres who are working to develop early stage diagnostic tests for cancer.

Underwrite the cost of a software platform on which to run the conference, making it simpler for delegates to register and participate in several ways.
Enable us to reduce the delegate fees.

Sponsors are invited to:

Support technical sessions with a chair, keynote speaker, and assist in soliciting speakers.
Give a 30-minute presentation during the conference which can be commercial or technical.
Suggest additional levels of participation, e.g. a workshop before or after the conference.

A virtual conference provides unprecedented opportunities for Sponsors to reach the global cancer diagnostic community. Pre-conference promotion is expected to reach in excess of 50,000 people through direct email and social media. The conference expects 150 - 500 delegates. Sponsors will receive headline promotion on all conference materials.

Gold Sponsor £5000
Silver Sponsor £3000
Bronze Sponsor £2000

VAT will be added to Sponsorship fees where required by law.
20% Discount for invoices paid by 17th November

To discuss Sponsorship, Contact: CDT23@sensor100.com